Saturday, January 31, 2015

Back to School

Been a while.

So school finally started back up, and being on break for nearly a month pretty much destroyed any hope of me having a schedule or being productive so coming back to school is rough for me.

The counselors finally changed my major to graphic design only a day before school started and I had my doubts if I should even be enrolled in my current college when I could be going to a community college and getting it done faster and for less money. But one of the deciding factors in staying is my friends.

When I started back in the fall, I was pretty much alone until I met Melissa and came with her and met her friends Kim, Kat, and Beth. Never before have I felt so in place with these lovely ladies, I've never really automatically clicked into place with a group of people and it makes me wonder how I could live without these people in my life.

Plus they're all total babes.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Hey y'all happy new year! I spent the first couple days on a boat, more specifically a cruise.
 It was good to get out of winter weather and actually sweat a lil bit south down Mexico way.
  We went to Cozumel and to Progreso and spent a day in each, going to Chankanaab National Park and to Chichen Itza, an archaeological site about an hour of where we docked.
    I ate ice cream and burgers almost every day.