I gotta vent because everything is piling up so here goes
- Everyone else's coasters (for my typography class) are so much better, well executed, and more intricate than mine, how do they find the time to create boxes with light features and coasters made from acrylic and vinyl letterforms while my materials are chipboard and cardstock? One girl wanted to make her coasters out of sections of a tree, she would've cut down a small tree if it hadn't rained this weekend.
- Why did Houston have to change ALL their buses? Now I can't go to the art store where I can buy and cut my mounting boards in a single bus. Now I have to ride one bus that makes an entire loop around two blocks and get on another bus just to go 4 miles.
- Building off the mounting boards, I have to buy a separate printing account card just so I can print my graphic software images for my class. I need to have it all finalized by tomorrow because the computer lab with the printers is closed on the weekend.
- I can't go Friday because I have a dentist appointment so I need to wake up early on my day off so I can ride with my dad to his work and to the dentist in the afternoon. Then I have to go to a show that I didn't want to go to, limiting my time to work on the aforementioned coasters that are due Monday.
- I haven't been able to work at night because my parents keep pulling me off to watch shows and eat at restaurants that I don't want to go to because I'm trying to be a good son and have good grades so they can be proud of me but instead we stay downtown until 11 or we eat over in westheimer until 9 and by the time we get home, I'm already sleepy but I have to work on my projects
- I'm always late for my intermediate graphic design class so I always miss the beginning instructions of what we're working on today, because the public transportation only goes so fast and there's always traffic in the morning when I drive to the park and ride so an eight minute drive turns into a 20 minute drive.
- I left my skateboard in my locker which I brought so that I could get to my class faster from my train stop which is half a mile away from the school. I used to complain about parking by the student lots but if the past me could see this now, he'd shut his mouth in a heartbeat.
- I need to make 10 icons for my intermediate graphic design class which is due tomorrow and it's not so much hard as just another thing that needs to be done.
if anyone is still around after this wall of angst and anxiety, <3